Personalised and Professional Education and Training (RTO Code 31424)

Animal Care & Vet Nurse Traineeships

Find out if you’re eligible to become a veterinary nurse trainee.

About Animal Care Traineeships

An Australian Government Traineeship Program is a structured training and paid employment arrangement that involves a contract between an employer, the government and the trainee. Traineeships are legal commitments that vary in length depending on course and employment status, and AIRC can only deliver these programs in Queensland and Tasmania.

In More Detail

Trainees are employed under a government-approved training agreement, which is a legal commitment. You will be required to sign a training agreement that states that you will fulfill all the things the contract requires in exactly the same way as you would expect your employer/employee to fulfill all of their commitments. For trainees under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian is also a party to the contract.

Employers of trainees are required to allow time from normal day-to-day tasks to participate in set training sessions and course work. The mentor may choose this time to discuss the theoretical basis of a job task, use the session to discuss a specific case, or to work through activities and case studies from study guides. The trainees “skills record log” (also known as a Training Record) and “workplace monitoring form” will assist in guiding off the job training sessions. State Training Authorities may visit the workplace of a trainee to ensure that the terms of the contract are being agreed to and that the training organisation, Employer and Trainee are adhering to the training plan as set out by the training organisation.

At this time we are unable to deliver state funded traineeships in New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, ACT and Northern Territory.

Are there any rules I should be aware of in relation to funding with AIRC?

Trainees can only receive one government contribution for a User Choice funded qualification at any single point in time, i.e. a student is not funded to undertake two traineeships at the same time.

In addition trainees, including SATs, can only receive a maximum of two government funding contributions under the current User Choice program. There are other rules specifically related to funding for SATs, so students and their parents/guardians should discuss their intentions with their school’s vocational education and training coordinator prior to signing up as a SAT. Australian Apprenticeship Support Network providers are another good source of information. For further information go to:

Fees relating to government funded traineeships (state-funded trainees only)

Queensland: $1.60 per nominal hour of training excluding School Based Traineeships who remain Fee Free. Please contact AIRC for more details.

Tasmania: $750.00

Our refund policy can be found in the Student Handbook.

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) Providers

AASN providers are the first point of contact during the life cycle of the training contract, to:

  • provide advice, support and general information on apprenticeships and traineeships suitable for workplaces
  • assist in completing, lodging and updating training contracts
  • conduct inductions with employers and apprentices/trainees
  • provide information and assistance with Commonwealth and state incentives
  • provide support through mentoring

Find the AASN provider closest to you by phoning 13 38 73, or visit the Australian Apprenticeships website.

Employer Incentives for Traineeships

As an employer of an Australian Apprentice you may be eligible for financial assistance from the Australian Government to help with hiring and training an apprentice.

From 1 July 2020 the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program (AAIP) was scheduled to be replaced with a new, simplified and streamlined incentives program for employers of apprentices and trainees, the Incentives for Australian Apprenticeships (IAA). For further information please visit the Australian Apprenticeships website.

Links To Relevant State Government Websites

These links take you to external websites. They are state government websites where you will find traineeship information.